The Evergreen Exchange

A Podcast by Evergreen Gavekal
Special Needs Planning
In this episode of Coffee with Evergreen, Evergreen GaveKal's Tygue Howland, a member of our Business Development Team, is joined by a Partner of Palladio Consulting, Connor Kavanaugh, to discuss financial planning when someone has a child with special needs. Some topics they cover:
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Charitable Giving: More than just a Tax Break
In this episode of Coffee with Evergreen, Evergreen GaveKal's Senior Financial Planner & Regional Director of our Lake Oswego office, Heidi Jeromanovs CFP®, and lawyer, Aaron Frishman at Foster Garvey, discuss the importance of charitable giving. Some topics they cover:
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August Market Update
In this Deep Dive with Evergreen Gavekal, Partner Jeff Otis interviews co-CIO Jeff Dicks and Senior Analyst Gherman Howell on Evergreen Gavekal's most recent chartbook. Some topics they cover: -Recently, there has been a rally in the markets. What has been driving it? Is the good news priced in? Are we currently in a recession? -What […]
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How to Plan for Market Volatility
In this episode of Coffee with Evergreen, Partner Jeff Otis and Director of Financial Planning Katie Vercio, CFP® discuss what to do when the market is volatile. Some topics they cover:
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July Market Update
In this episode of Coffee with Evergreen, Evergreen GaveKal's Director of Private Wealth, Jeff Otis, and Co-Chief Investment Officer, Jeff Dicks, present a market update for July 2022. Some topics they cover:
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June Market Update
In this episode of Coffee with Evergreen, Partner Jeff Otis and Senior Analyst Gherman Howell give a quick update on the financial markets as of June 2022. Below is a list of some topics they cover:
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What Does China's Reopening Mean?
In this episode of Coffee with Evergreen, Partner Jeff Otis and CEO of GaveKal Research, Louis Gave, discuss the implications of China's policies on the US economy. Some questions they dive into are:
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May Market Update
In this Deep Dive, Partners Jeff Otis and Jeff Dicks (Evergreen's co-CIO) discuss our most recent Evergreen Chartbook. The Chartbook explores the current state of the economy, markets, and Evergreen's general outlook. Some questions they explore are:
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Life in Transition: Estate Planning
In this three-part series, we are diving deep into moments of financial transition. In November, we spoke with Blake Hilty about divorce and its economic implications. This week, Heidi Jeromanovs, CFP® and Evergreen's Regional Director of Oregon, interviews Family Law & Estate Planning Attorneys Sara Winter & Stefan Wolf to discuss estate planning:
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